Performance Press Magazine

For more information, call (513) 874-3305

April 2001

John Parillo's Performance Press is a monthly magazine that talks about different bodybuilding, fitness and endurance topics. This magazine also is biased towards Parillo's products, obviously. On the cover is Mark Coleman.

April 2001 - Table of Contents


  • Julian Hawn: An Inspiration
    At 42 years old and a new grandmother, Julia is quite an inspiration. Julia trains on a one one - one off schedule. That way she trains all her muscles once every four days.

  • Parillo Performance at the Arnold
    They were all in attendance at the Parrillo Performance Booth the weekend of March 3-5.

  • Pro Carb
    Parrillo's most under-rated product.

  • Top Gun on Quad Skates
    Shiela Clark is the 2001 USA Roller Sports Quad Speed Champion, placing first in master Ladies in Orlando, Florida on February 23-25.


  • The Elbow Complex
    Basic anatomy and injuries. This months article will be on the elbow and radioulnar joints and their surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments.

  • Beefing Up the Beanpole
    Beanpole was a cruel nickname the other college age kids at the gym had bestowed upon our hapless friend, and it did suit him.

  • Branched Chain Amino Acids
    The Terrific Trio. In the year 2000, BCAA's were among the most researched supplements in sports and medical science. And the news from the labs is good.

  • Nutritional Supplementation Part 3
    Creatine supplementation results in an increase in strength between 5-15 percent, depending on what your creative levels were beforehand. And it also increases your endurance, for another two or three reps per set. So you lift more weight, for more reps, which obviously is going to help your muscles grow faster.

  • Starting a Supplement program
    Scientific evidence is demonstrating that we do need supplements for optimum health - but only as a complement to proper nurtiion, not as a replacement or substitute.

  • CapTri: Fight Fighting Oil
    Whenever you have embarked on a weight loss diet, one of the first recommendations you always heard was to 'cut the fat'. But what if you were told to 'up the fat'?