Natural Muscle Magazine
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October 2001

Natural Muscle Magazine started in Florida, and caters primarily to the Florida region, although California and Texas have been receiving some of the magazines in different outlets. It focuses on the natural athletes, the ANBC, and other natural organizations. On the cover is Nicole Rollolazo and Stan McQuay.

October 2001 - Table of Contents
Volume 6, Number 10, Issue #54


  • In Shape with Sherry Goggin
    Sometimes I just don't have time to go to the gym for a full work out. Is there a quick and easy workout routine I can do at home?

  • Tricks of the Trade
    Tricky Ricky Jackson, Natural Bodybuilding Champion gives us the tip of the month, and how to have your biceps have some peak!

  • Shaping Up with John Basedow
    I want to get a ripped, defined look and I know proper nutrition is the most critical factor to attaining it!

  • Boulder Shoulders
    A sign of self confidence, including body language, why shoulders, shoulder warm up, and super set shrugs.

  • Best Time to Train
    Is there a point in the day that is the optimum time for you to train to maximize your results?

  • Training Your Forgotten Backside
    Would it be of value to you to use a training program that would improve your backside?

  • Obstacle Course Training
    Penalties. Are they worth the time? These is no excuse for penalties on the obstacles course?

  • Bombing Your upper Pectorals
    One of the best exercises to develop is to do incline bench press. You can use a barbell or dumbbells in the exercise with great results.


  • Proper Digestion 101
    Proper digestion is determined by the use of Tums, Prolosec or Zantac. Ok, my friends, you can file the above statement under never!

  • Toxic Metals Weighing You Down?
    This month, we will look at toxic overload from environmental sources. We may now appreciate that some vague symptoms and chronic diseases may be due to the toxic effects of chronic low level metal exposure.

  • Supplement Advisor
    Is you summer diet not working? Part two. Foods you can eat: Diary and Meat.

  • Health Chicken Kabobs
    Eat more, not less! Oriental Honey Chicken Kabobs are shown by Danielle Nagel!

  • Introducing Candida
    Candida is a condition caused by various species of the fungus Candida.


  • Superbody
    Stan McQuay wins as the number one pro! Others include Keith Hunter, Peter Isip, Miguel Leon, Richie Daggs, Rene Endara, Denis Couprie, Cyp Wlfred.

Other Stuff...

  • Be Prepared for Competition
    The competitive edge! The number one secret to succeed is being prepared for you fitness show. A list of items that you need for the big contest.

  • Happily Before and After
    Motivation! The third and final article in a series on ninety day before and after contests.

  • Iron Warrior
    For over 30 years, US Air Force Chief Master Sergeant James Jackson was the examplar of a military professional.

  • Renee Sumners
    And what did you do last month? This modern day superwoman and mother of two proved that there is nothing to it as long as you set your mind to it.


  • Pz Pointers For Success
    A Closer look into the world of Personal Training.

  • Big Time Comedian
    Finding your new friend, Gym. By Tim Wilkins.

  • Natural Bits and Pieces
    Including Worlds ugliest car; some magazine blasting the EZ curl bar; the Encyclopedia of Physical Culture, and more.

  • Mr. Vitamin
    Questions for Mr. Vitamin, including any natural suggestion for feet that hurt; does vinegar break down tablets; and what his Penta.

  • 2001 Event Schedule

  • PZ's Perspective
    What is success made of?