- Extreme Fat Loss
A 12 week, three phase target approach. A shredded '6 pack' will finally be yours once you start this amazing new combination of fat loss and appetite control products along with this customized diet routine.
- Obstacle Course Race Preparation
Over / Unders. Do you have the rhythm?
- Insulin, the Anabolic Power
Interview with John Berardi, an expert in hormonal regulation of muscle mass and body composition
- Training: Pump up Your Heart
Cardiovascular training is a key piece of the puzzle in achieving the body of your dreams.
- Bodybuilding for Her: Derriere Defined
Exercises that strengthen, shape and lift!
- Shaping Up with John Basedow
Are there any ideas on how we can avoid giving in, and craving to cheat on our diet.
- Supplementation and Training Q&A
Including 'I am looking for a product to make my muscles harder', 'need a new bicep routine', 'which growth hormone supplements are worth using' and more.
- Tom's Training Tips
The road back to fitness and health.
- Training: Don't be an April Fool
If your life is full, happy and balanced, you've got it figured out. If you are stuck in your workouts, stuch in your physical growth and this is making you depressed, anxious or snippy with people closest to you, it is time to take a look at where you put this body image thing in your life.
- Supplement Advisor
What supplements actually do work? We talk about Meal Replacements.
- Clear up your Acne Naturally
Acne is a problem for all, that you just do not outgrow sometimes. Consider trying a natural approach by addressing the internal and external causes of your acne.
- Food: Marinated Grilled Filets
Too many times I see people avoiding health foods because they may have listened to an opinion and not have gathered all the facts.
- Exclusive: HgH
the following is the second part of a two part in depth interview about the science and technology behind one of the most incredible new products.
- Essential Enzymes
What are enzymes, and looking at the process.
- Extreme Supplementation
Questions include 'Will ephedra be pulled by the FDA', 'Isoinokosterone', 'about hydroxyecdysterone', and more.
- Arnold Fitness Weekend Expo
From around the world, hundreds of thousands of people were at the largest fitness event ever. Pictures from the event and more.
- Tri Fitness
150 Beautiful women of fitness to invade Las Vegas.
Other Stuff..
- Pack for Success:
If you are thinking about competing or pursuing a fitness career, pack your bags for cusses, as you most likely will be doing a lot of traveling.
- Start Earning Cash
From your passion for bodybuilding and fitness, it is time to start earning cash!
- Optimal Living
Training seniors and the lies about aging 'gracefully'. Part one.
- Editorial
Keep those surveys coming in. Your opinions do count! By Debbie Baigrie.
- Natural Bits and Pieces
Mike BonDurant talks about interesting tidbits from the natural bodybuilding world, and more.
- PZ's Perspective
Taking a page out of Nascar's book.
- Big Time Comedian
Are you a survivor, by Tim Wilkins.
- Cosmic Corner
Action. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. By Sarah Lyons, Astrologer.
- Contest Event Schedule
2001 bodybuilding and fitness schedule.
- Beauty Watch
Here is what I will be buying for spring.
- Ask Mr. Vitamins
Questions include 'taking performance enhancers', 'What ar the best vitamins to take for women', 'Any report of elevated triglyceride readings after taking glucosamine / chodroitin tablets', and more.
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