- Training: Hocus Focus
Have you ever noticed how everybody talks about your mind being the most important muscle in your workout, but nobody tells you how to use it?
- Race Preparation
When seconds count! When should you begin your training for an obstacle course race?
- Exercise, Sets, Reps & Weights
What are the right amounts to stimulate muscle growth, by Skip LaCour.
- Fitness Made Simple
Keeping your resolve Strong. 5 Keys to shaping up in 2001.
- Bodybuilding for Her: Osteroprorosis
Lifestyle strategies for prevention. Part two of a two part series.
- Training and Supplementation Q&A
Including 'fast diet to lose 10 pounds quickly', 'my butt and thighs don't seem to be cooperating in getting leaner', and more.
- Amazing Abs
Four secrets to amazing abs.
- Training Thighs
On Muscle Beach. I am always trying new routines to stimulate hypertrophy.
- Supplement Savvy
Essential Fatty Acids, by Alan Shugarman.
- Controlling Asthma Naturally
With the right diet and supplements. Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease that cause difficulty breathing.
- Food: Shake Shake Shake
If you are tired of the same old protein drink time after time, then follow these healthy recipes. Including Tropical Fruit Smoothie, Chocolate Money, and Orange Creamsicle. Also, here is a recipe for Sauteed Chicken with a jamming plum sauce.
- Exclusive: HgH
the following is the first part of a two part in depth interview about the science and technology behind one of the most incredible new products.
- Fitness Universe Pageant
November 18, 2000. Nicole Rollolazo takes first place, with Cynthia Ekman, Julie Shiply, Katie Uter taking 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
- Galaxy Competition 2000
Sparks ignites the Galaxy this year. November 16-19, 2000. First place is Elizabeth Sparks. Jill Johnson, Stacey Keshuta and Mocha Lee took 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
Other Stuff..
- Photo Shoot Tips
The following are a few very important tips I learned and that you should follow if you ever have the opportunity to shoot with these beautiful creatures of the wild. By Kim Hartt.
- Model Search Winner
Why I would make a grat cover model and company spokesperson.
- Fat Loss Secrets
Spot Reducing. How to attach stubborn fat and remove it from your problem areas! Is it finally possible?
- The Making of Orally Active Steroids
A two part series that talks about some new upcoming technology that several companies are working on.
- Letters to the Editors
Including 'I would like to congratulate you on as great magazine that promotes a healthy lifestyle and natural athletes'
- Big Time Comedian
The original cardio theater, by Tim Wilkins.
- Wasss Up?
The latest news in the world of bodybuilding, including new rules for NPC fitness and bodybuilding, new NPC division, and more. By Rob Wilkins.
- Natural Bits and Pieces
Including Awarding trophies differently, List of dumbest people of the year, and more…
- PZ's Perspective
Squashing out the Slugs, based on relationships.
- Ask Mr. Vitamin
Including 'why are some vitamins more expensive than others', 'what are antioxidants', 'ear infections', 'becoming obsessed with his diet regimen' and more.
- Optimal Living
A champion's Challenge. Winning over C.S.F.
- Beauty Watch
This month, I am going to do a step by step, real life makeover, complete with pictures.
- Cosmic Corner
Illusion. Things are not what they seem.
- Contest Event Schedule
2001 bodybuilding and fitness schedule.
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