- Training - A Way Of Life
Time and consistency are the keys to the body you desire.
- Pec Trek
Trainers, partners or spotters will help you reach your workout goals by maintaining correct form as well as to avoid most importantly ,choking yourself.
- Juke Those Jitters and Jam!
The are four ways to juke those jitters, including Experience, Channel your Energy, Avoid Wrecks, and Visualize your Performance. By Lori Ann Lloyd.
- Chest Training on Muscle Beach
One of the greatest exercises to develop the pectorals is the bench press!
- Training & Supplement Q&A
Questions include 'new' products that simply do not work, staying lean after the bodybuilding competitions, and what is the 'window of opportunity' people talk about.
- Winning Year Round and Contest Dieting
Kim Hartt discusses how nutrition is very important to your success in the fitness industry.
- Industry Update Part 5
Alan Shugarman dicusses the useful, the useless and the outright rip-offs! Part five features Pyruvate and Chromium.
- Searching for Supplement Gold
ZMA will be a forgotten supplement by the beginning of next year because people will realize that is does not work.
- Sleep Is Golden
The average person spends about a third of their life sleeping.
- Optimal Living: A Second Chance
The prison system of the United States is overflowing.
- Healthy Eating
A healthy feast with Danielle Nagel, including Roast Turkey, and Apple & Raisin Bread Stuffing.
- Complimentary Medicine
Conventional and Alternative medicine. Can't we all get along?
- Marla Duncan
The original fitness babe has not skipped a beat.
- Tony Oros
Sings heavy metal with abs of steel.
- Galaxy Texas
Texas is August, the cowboys, the cattle, the music, the dancing, the heat! The summer of 2000 has been one of the hottest and driest in Southwest U.S. History. At the Galaxy, there was over 100 of the fastest, fittest and sexiest galaxy Competitors ever.
- NPC Monica Brant Fitness
The much anticipated Bodyrock 2000 and Monica Brant Fitness Classic was held July 29, 2000 and did it ever live up to its expectations.
- NPC Team Universe
On August 11 and 12th, 2000, the country's top NPC bodybuilders and fitness competitors were in New York to try an qualify for the IFBB World Amateur Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships. This is a drug tested even in accordance with the I.O.C. rules.
- Big Time Comedian: Tim Wilkins
Women's bodybuilding.
- Waa-sszzup?
The latest news in the world of bodybuilding.
- Natural Bits and Pieces
Mike's tips for healthful living.
- Pz's Perspective
The whiner, the seductress, the bitch. Tags are still attached to successful women.
- Fitness Made Simple
Vegetarian food options for bodybuilders.
- Ask Mr. Vitamin
Questions on vitamins and more...
- Beauty Watch
You are another year older. What changes can you expect to see in your hair and skin.
- Cosmic Corner
Scorpio, Mystical Metamorphosis. By Sarah Lyons, Astrologer.
- Event Schedule
Upcoming Contests…
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