- The 2001 Arnold Classic
Bodybuilding rankings and predictions are worthless. The same goes for fitness. We don't have any predictions, outside of Ronnie taking home the gold.
- Monica Brant As Never Seen Before
For fitness diva Monica Brant, winner of the 1999 MS. Fitness Olympia title, and arguably the most popular competitor in the history of women's fitness, life beyond contests poses a number of questions concerning her life and lifestyle.
- Massive Quads with IFBB Pro Jay Cutler
When the Night of Champions winner Jay 'Big Beef' Cutler hits the leg room, it's lights out.
- Arm Action with Allison Ethier
The Canadian fitness competitor who rocked the Fitness America Pageant with one of the most aggressive and uptempo attack routines in years.
- Bigorexia: The Hankering to be Huge
Many bodybuilders are so preoccupied with building bigger muscles, their entire self image is warped, not to mention their self esteem.
- Traco Labs Issues Statement
Regarding Creatine. Traco Labs has examined the safety of creatine, and found no evidence to support the allegations of the preliminary experimental French study.
- Science Research Update
Hormonal Dynamics of Exercises indicates the way you are currently training may be robbing you of 90% of your gains.
- Science Updated on the New
Transdermal Testosterones. Some product can enter the bloodstream in about 45 minutes to 2 hours after applying it to the arms, shoulders, stomach or lats.
- Power Thinking for Power Living
Programming the vow of personal conquest.
- Preventing Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common and enduring injury symptoms in weight training.
- Performance Conditioning
Prehistoric Pump with Clark Bartram.
- Secrets Revealed
What to eat before a workout and what to eat after.
- Show Me The Money
By Cynthia Hill, Ms. Galaxy. Are you interested in competing in fitness as a professional.
- What is Achilles Tendonitis
It is a chronic overuse condition and without proper rest and treatment may result in a serious irreversible damage needing surgical intervention.
- How to Kill Junk Food Cravings
If you are still on that New Year's resolution diet, then you are a minority. Most diets do not last a month.
- Publisher's Point
HGH winnings at this year's Arnold Classic and higher winnings for maximizing your life. By Joe Wells.
- President's Page
The Fundamental Truth. Many people in society know what to do, they are just not motivated to do it.
- Maxformation Winners
Including Denise Burdette, Douglas Stephens, Joe Morales, Derick Stange, Kathy Dagget, James Calabrase
- Behind the Scenes: Max Overheard
WOW, the women of wrestling make an appearance at the Newport Beach Max Muscle. Also, Steeve Neece is back, Frankie Cassavetes, and more.
- Health & Nutrition
With Jim Shiebler, the Body Gourmet. This month is Roast Beef Tenderloin, stuffed with Swiss Chard, Oyster Mushrooms, Sun Dried Tomatoes and Mozzarella Cheese served with Garlic Whipped New Potatoes and Balsamic Vinegar Marsala Jus.
- Ask Dr. Nick
I just worry all the time. What can I do about it?
- New Products
New products from various manufactures.
- Max Mania Beef and Beauty Buzz
Various news and tidbits from around the world.
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