Various Features
- Celebrity Profile: Carmen Electra
Find out what turns this beauty on and how her latest DVD keeps her fit to strip.
- The World's Strongest Man
When the world's strongest men fight over who's toughest, chest hairs come off and egos fly. Find out who is the last strong man standing when the world's best go bicep to bicep.
- Protein: Friend or Foe
Legend has it that kidney's can't handle an over abundance of protein intake. But we nuke that nutrient myth and explain why sufficient amounts of protein are essential for muscle building.
- Muscle Up With Creatine
Those who want to lift more and get stronger often turn to creatine for help. The reason: It Works. The latest science behind this extra special protein.
- Pre-Contest Bible
Training commandments for peak performance. Thou shalt smite the competition and be honored with golden trophies as the judges bow down to you.
- 2000 Pounds of Muscle Between Your Legs
What weights 2,000 pounds and flies? The nasty buckers bull riders cling to for a minimum of eight seconds. Bullriding is a sport that doesn't just look dangerous, it's got the casualties to prove it.
- Xtreme Style
Clothes may not make the man, but great threads make a great impression. Take it to the limit with these hot fashions.
- IFBB Figure Girls of the East Coast
If you're ready to drool over shapely women in awesome shape, listen in on our conversations with these muscular lovelies. You may learn enough to get one of your own!
- Body Specifics: Fit for Sports
Exercise research has revolutionized training techniques. How to fine tune your workouts to fit your particular sport.
Various Features
- Editors Notes
- Sex
Things you wanted to know but were afraid to ask
- Gadgets and Stuff
The best gizmos you've got to have
- Movies
Separating great sports movies from weaker flicks.
- Mind and Body
The three secrets of success
- Bodybuilding Spotlight
Dorian Yates: Six Time Mr. Olympia
- Grooming
Excess body hair: leave home without it.
- Xtreme Makeover
The journey from Mr. Average to super fit
- Ask the Athletes
Jason Fabini, NY Jets left tackle.
- Ergogenic Express
Fortiy with Protein
- Gyms Across America
Bev Francis Gold's Gym, the East Coast Mecca
- Performance Training
What happens to muscles when you stretch
- Training
Derek Panza, kickboxing champ works out
- Xtreme Adventure
Ice climbing: Frozen cliffs, hot sport
- Xtreme Training
Mariusz Pudzianowski's two time World's Strongest Man
- Book Review
Frank Sepe has a new book and a new plan
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