- Anabolic Insider
A hard-core, underground periodical publication created using tons of research findings from hundreds of bodybuilders, physicians, industry experts, and pro-athletes
- B&K Sports Magazine
Swedish Online bodybuilding magazine.
- Bodywise
Bi Monthly issue of the Performance Enhancing Report. Provides news, facts, and data to bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts.
- Dolfzine Online Fitness
Online fitness magazine.
- Energy Magazine
Canada's health and fitness magazine.
- Flex Magazine
Online bodybuilding magazine, based on the newsstand version.
- Gen Mag Net
Interesting online magazine.
- Great Lakes Fitness Guide
The Great Lakes Fitness Guide is dedicated to bringing our readers with the most current information by the top pros of the Health & Fitness industry
- Ironman Magazine
Real bodybuilding magazine, based on the newstand version.
- IronSport Magazine
Brazil's #1 Bodybuilding Magazine
- Master Trainer
Info on how to subscribe to the bi-monthly newsletter
- Men's Fitness
Online magazine devoted to fitness by Weider
- Men's Health
Online magazine based on the newsstand version.
- Muscle & Fitness
The most popular bodybuilding and fitness magazine available has an excellent online web site.
- Muscle Media
The Art & Science Of Bodybuilding, based on the newstand version of the popular bodybuilding magazine.
- MuscleMag International
Sports & Fitness Magazine.
- MuscleZine
Info on how to subscribe to the bi-monthly magazine
- Muscular Development
Sports & Fitness Magazine.
- National Bodybuilding & Fitness Magazine
Online magazine devoted to issue in bodybuilding, strength, physique, health & fitness.
- Natural Muscle Magazine
Natural Muscle is a monthly magazine dedicated to drug free bodybuilding and fitness, covering natural bodybuilding, weightlifting, weight training, supplements, fitness, and health related issues.
- NPC News magazine
Your source for all of the NPC News, including upcoming contests, NPC interviews, and other pertinent NPC information.
- Peak Performance Newsletter
Peak Performance is a 'no nonsense'
newsletter devoted to improving stamina, strength and fitness.
- Physical Magazine
Designed to appeal to a wide variety of health concious men and women.
- Physique Competitor Magazine
North American drug-free bodybuilding, fitness & figure competition information.
- Planet Muscle Magazine
Jeff Everson's magazine comes to the Internet.
- PowerMag Magazine
We Cover the World's Strongest Sports!
- Southern Muscle Plus
Powerlifting, bodybuilding, fitness news around Florida.
- Testosterone Magazine
Muscle magazine with attitude.