The most complete information on women's bodybuilding available.
Ragain, Janice 1986 World Pro 3rd; 1986 Ms. Olympia 8th; 1987 Ms. Olympia 7th; 1988 World Pro 2nd; 1988 Ms. Olympia 14th; 1989 World Pro 20th;
Ragonot, Brenda Born Sept 8, 1966 in Annapolis, Maryland. Height 5'3". Contests include the 1993 NPC USA MW 3rd; 1994 North American HW 1st; 1995 NPC Nationals MW 2nd; 1996 NPC USA HW 4th; 1997 NPC Nationals MW 2nd; 1998 NPC Nationals MW 1st & Overall; 1999 Pro Extravanganza 2nd; 1999 Ms. Olympia 9th; 2000 Ms. International LW 1st; 2000 Ms. Olympia LW 2nd; 2001 Ms. International LW 2nd; 2001 Ms. Olympia LW 4th; 2003 Ms. International HW 3rd;
Rainwater, Esi Contests include the 1985 NPC California Overall;
Ralabate, Michele USA, 4'11", born 2/26/71 in Buffalo, New York. Attended Indiana University in Pennsylvania; majored in physical education and sports management. In August 1996, she decided to leave professional bodybuilding and turn to professional fitness shows. Her first fitness show was the 1997 IFBB World Pro Fitness, which she finished 5th. Previous bodybuilding contests include: 1991 NPC Pittsburgh 1st; 1994 NPC Nationals Overall & LW 1sts; 1995 Jan Tana Pro 1st; 1995 Ms. Olympia 8th; 1996 Ms. International 6th;
Rampey, Becky Born February 16, 1963 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Height 5'2". Grew up on the island of Molokai, in the town of Kaunakakai. Becky was the yougest of six kids. Her parents divorced when she was an infant, and she was raised by her grandparents until age 13. At age 13, she moved to Honolulu to live with her mother and siblings. Becky has a daughter, named Crystal. Currently lives in San Diego. Contests include the 1991 Gold's Natural 1st; 1993 NPC USA LW 1st; 1996 Marjo Selin Maui Classic MW 1st & Overall; 1996 NPC Nationals MW 5th; 1997 NPC USA MW 2nd; 1997 NPC Nationals MW 2nd; 1998 NPC Nationals MW 6th; 1999 NPC USA MW 2nd;
Reed, Christine 1981 NPC USA LW 1st; 1982 Pro World 10th;
Reynolds, Doris From Virginia, USA. Contests include the 2000 NPC Junior USA MW 9th;
Richards, Bridget From British Columbia, Canada. 1996 IFBB Canadian HW 5th;
Richardson, Susan 1992 NPC Texas State 1st;
Richardson, Tina Curently lives in Alberta, Canada. Contests include the 1993 Southern Albertas HW 1st & Overall; 1993 Alberta Provincials HW 1st; 1993 Western Canadians 5th; 1994 Alberta Classic HW 1st & Overall; 1994 Western Canadians HW 2nd; 1996 Canadian Nationals HW 7th; 1999 Canadian Nationals HW 6th;
Riddell, Sandy Height: 5'6". Contests inlucde the 1988 Ms. International 5th; 1989 Ms. Olympia 2nd; 1991 Ms. Olympia 4th; 1992 Ms. Olympia 4th; 1993 Ms. International 3rd; 1993 Ms. Olympia 6th;
Riehl, Dawn Was on the cover of Whole Life Magazine supporting a man on her shoulders with arms outstreched. Contests include the 1996 NPC Nationals LW 10th; 1997 NPC Nationals MW 11th;
Risby, Tyra Contests include the 1999 NPC California Overall;
Rivest, Mimi 1980 Ms. Olympia 11th; 1981 Pro World 12th;
Robelle, Sharon From the USA. Contests include the 1998 NPC Nationals HW 2nd; 2000 Jan Tana Pro MW 7th; 2001 Pro Extravaganza HW 5th; 2001 Jan Tana Pro HW 5th;
Roberts, Beth 2000 NPC Junior USA HW 1st;
Roberts, Mary 1982 Pro World 8th; 1984 Pro World 3rd; 1984 Ms. Olympia 3rd; 1985 Pro World 1st; 1985 Ms. Olympia 2nd; 1986 Ms. Olympia 5th; 1987 Ms. Olympia 5th;
Roberts, Susan Contests include the 1983 NPC California Overall; 1983 NPC USA LW 1st; 1984 Pro World 15th; 1984 Ms. Olympia 16th; 1985 Pro World 13th;
Rochie, Lohani England. 1997 Jan Tana 19th;
Rodriguez, Alice 1997 NPC USA LW 4th;
Rose, Tona 2000 NPC Emerald Cup HW 2nd;
Rosell-Krull, Yvonne 1992 Jan Tana Pro 10th; 1993 Jan Tan Pro 19th;
Ross, Jacqueline 1982 Pro World 13th; 1982 Ms. Olympia 16th; 1983 Pro World 7th; 1984 Pro World 11th;
Ross, Stacy Birthday August 25th. 1994 Jan Tana Pro 8th
Rubos, Katalin 1994 Jan Tana Pro 11th; 1995 Ms. International 12th
Rudowsky, Amy From Florida. Height 5'8". She is a personal trainer. Has a black belt in the martial arts. Contests include the 1996 NPC West Palm Beach overall; 1996 NPC Southern States 4th; 1997 NPC Sunshine State HW 1st;
Ruth, Kathy 1983 Ms. Olympia 14th;
Rutkowski, Denise Denise was poised to have an excellent career after her 2nd place finish at the Ms. Olympia in 1993, but too much partying found her in a downward spiral in the months after that show. In 1994, she went back home to Fort Worth, Texas. In 1994, she entered Calvary Cathedral International Bible College for two years. By 1996, Denise was going around the country spreading the word of God at various religious revivals. In 2001, Denise started training again, and returned to a better physical condition.
Contests include the 1987 Metroplex Champion 1st; 1990 NPC California Overall; 1991 NPC USA HW 1st; 1993 NPC USA Overall & HW 1st; 1993 Jan Tana Pro 1st; 1993 Ms. Olympia 2nd
Ryland, Skye 1992 Ms. Olympia 19th; 1993 Jan Tana Pro 16th; 1994 Jan Tana Pro 6th; 2000 Jan Tana Pro LW 2nd;