Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Radio begins 3rd season
with Ronnie Coleman and Jim Lorimar
January 5, 2007

  • 2007 has begun and a new season of the radio show 'Pro Bodybuilding Weekly' is beginning. (It is their third season). The first show will start on Monday night, January 8th, at 8pm EST. However, for this year, what started as a small internet radio show has blossomed to also reach the 5 million subscribers of Sirius Satellite Radio, where they show will be replayed Thursdays at 8pm EST on Sirius Channel 122. The radio show will also be replaced on the 500 affiliated stations of the American Forces Radio Network around the world. All of this is great for bodybuilding and the people who love to portray the positive and helpful side of the sport.

    Dan Solomon, co-host and executive producer, has a lot to be thankful this year. A new house, a new baby boy, a great new upcoming season. As for his co-host Bob Cicherillo, a new baby is on the way any day now, and also a new house. Change is exciting, and in this case, for the better!

    As for the first show of the year, who is it going to be? None other than eight time champion Ronnie Coleman, who will talk about how is historic day at the 2006 Mr. Olympia came to a crashing halt as he lost out to Jay Cutler and the title. But you can hear Ronnie, in his own words, how he plans to make sure that Jay's reign as king will be short lived!

    Jim Lorimar, the man and the legend behind the Arnold Classic weekend, will also be on the first show of the 2007 season. It will be a great one!

    For more information, visit