WannaB, have you used HCG on cycle in this manner? I'm gonna tell tell you I have, yes you do not wanna desensitize your testes on large doses of HCG that is true.
But It makes no difference if you keep within that low dose range. 250-500mg....damn man even marble said he used 500IU E4D.....and he was the pioneer in this.
Heres the idea, you bang lets say 412 IU HCG in on Monday night, about 24 hours later your testes start to respond and you can feel it, this dose will keep em firing thru wendsday, Thursday your blood HCG (LH) levels are dropping off, it will take another day or so for your testes to sense and react to this. So this brings us to Friday night, the 4th day, at this time we inject 379IUs HCG, testes are all warm an fuzzy still, atrophy will take about 4-5 days in the complete absence of HCG (LH) before it begins, so there is no problem with this time frame. After a shot of lets say 364 IU HCG while on a cycle, it will take almost a week (about 3 days covered by the HCG and the other 4 days it takes before they start to die in the absence of LH (HCG). Remember this is not (HPTA shut down) how it is supposed to work in nature, we are kind of modifying things here, as we all play mad scientist.
What we are doing is coaxing them along as we go, kind of holding that carrot out there. One time the carrot (389 iu HCG) is a tiny bit different than the previous one (450 IU HCG) but the horse's still reach for it. Just don't over feed em, than they will be full and wont care anymore.