Warrior Dash is for chicks bro. Sign up for something harder will ya?
Bunch of chicks are running
No kidding - but sign up for GoRuck Challenge or Spartan Race or something.
Dude it's for charity.It's about getting as many people as we can to run and raise money....how many do you think would do a go ruck or spartan
Only the ones that matter.
Everyone matters..the more we can get to run the more money we can raise.that's why we are doing an easy one.
Im only busting on you. But really - time to up your game a little Warrior Dash is like a warm up for everything else
which one is the one where you roll round in a kids sand pit wrestling fat guys while some idiot shouts at you pretending to be a sgt major
9/10 too scared for grc
I' ll make a beer run but only if I can drive.
Lots of beer,whiskey, and bbq when we finish
Skip the running part and I'm in.
The finnish of the run is the best part....lot's of hot broads in short shorts,sport bras and all covered in mud
So why not just hang out at the finish line?
Warrior Dash is for newbs
Everyone but me is a noob.