Author Topic: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?  (Read 23952 times)


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What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:11:37 AM »
From his thread over on Pro Muscle..


"I've been really busy lately with so many things but after looking over this board and a few others that I frequent I have to ask why so many guys stay on for the better part of the year? Why do so many guys believe that the key to getting big comes in the form of drugs? This is not a rant but a serious question. Why is it that in most of the threads where I read about a guy that has been on for a very long time or is taking very high dosages is TYPICALLYwritten by a guy who isn't that big? This website easily has some of the best athletes in the world on it and I feel safe in assuming that MOST of these guys spend a good amount of time growing naturally or at the very least on Dr prescribed dosages of HRT. Why can't some guys understand that success in this sport is about a hell of a lot more than the amount of gear you use or how long you are using. I don't like to bring up names but i know for a fact that a guy who has placed in the top five at the USA's as a SHW who used to be a member of this board would spend his entire offseason clean. He used food, rest, and smart training to grow while also giving his body a break from any anabolics.

Am I the only one who believes that you can continue to grow while being clean for the better part of the year? I really want to hear some peoples opinions on the matter so please explain why you feel that I am either correct or a complete idiot."

"I may have been a bit poor at explaining my thoughts throughout the thread but I am going to take my time and do so now. My point is that I believe that the best way to put on muscle year in and year out while also taking care of your health and making sure that you can still have children at some point in life is to be on for no more than half of a year. I know for a fact that I could take a guy with good genes to over 300 lbs while only being on for half of the year or less and never having him take more than 800-1000mg of test per week while on and a combined total of all anabolics never going above 1500mg per. I also know that I could get this guy to these marks without EVER letting him run GH, Insulin, or IGF-1. Now, during his off time I would have him cycle down with HCG, Clomid, and an anti e if needed. He would run 200mg of Dr Prescribed test for about a month before taking him down to no super supplements. Yes, the HCG would still play a roll while off.

Now that he is completely off he would drop some weight (10-15lbs if he was eating clean enough while on) and then stabilize. At this point he would rely completely on nutrition, training, and rest to start taking his muscle mass back up the ladder. As he would continue to train naturally he would begin to gain that 10-15lbs back but this time it would be more solid tissue and less water. His diet would need to be perfect and he would need to pay very close attention to his recovery knowing full well that he is back to being human. The attention to detail would need to be nearly perfect with weakly pictures, measurements, bodyfat testing, and watching his log book climb back to where it was while on. Now, he may never gain all of that weight back but he will be climbing back up in weight/muscle mass while off. Once he goes back on for a very short blast he will be doing so well with nutrition, training, rest, etc.. he will once again gain at a more rapid rate while combining these attributes with his base anabolics. After going back off this guy would stay clear of all anabolics until ramping up for his show.

I want to once again point out that this is an example of what I would do to get a guy with good genes as big as possible without making his wife who wants to be a Mommy kill me assuming I had an entire year before he would be competing. After a few years this guy with good genes would go from about 215 lbs natural to over 300 lbs all while never touching the more advanced supplements that so many of you think he must have used. I would tell this guy if you are still advancing without the use of GH, Slin, IGF, etc.. why not leave some tricks in the bag for when you need them. You see, the way I see it if you are using crazy doses and every drug out there to win a regional show what are you going to change to win a national show? Or if you had to use all of these crazy doses to win a National show what are you going to do to make the giant leap needed to compete at the pro level? Leave some tricks in the bag for when you need them.

Bottom line this is how I know I could get a guy to over 300 lbs with a good physique and lots of tricks still in the bag to keep that physique getting better. My guy would be following a very similiar plan and would shock some people once he did bring in a little higher doses, GH, and slin."


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 12:20:29 AM »

'bring a guy in at 300 pounds on no more than 1000mg test a week and no more than 1500mg total NOT using gh igf or insulin.'



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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 12:29:06 AM »
Asking a bber what drugs he's on and expecting an honest answer is like asking a girl how many guys she's fucked. Always 5........or 500mg.  :D

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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 12:31:52 AM »

'bring a guy in at 300 pounds on no more than 1000mg test a week and no more than 1500mg total NOT using gh igf or insulin.'


if he talking offseason...they yes it can be done. if he is around 6ft or so

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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2011, 12:40:08 AM »
Asking a bber what drugs he's on and expecting an honest answer is like asking a girl how many guys she's fucked. Always 5........or 500mg.  :D

actually a girl i dated did answer me honestly once. she said " i don't know 50 or so"?  :o


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2011, 07:12:18 AM »
Reminds me of DoggShitt and his 500 mg/week road to 300 lbs. ::)

Schmoe Buster

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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2011, 07:16:42 AM »
Reminds me of DoggShitt and his 500 mg/week road to 300 lbs. ::)

Lying sacks of shit that like to pretend their ''superior genectics'' are what gets them big rather than giving credit to the hormones ::) these fruits always say you just need 500mg Test and 300mg Deca per week and if you dont get big then you dont have the genetics ::) stupid kunts
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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2011, 07:19:31 AM »
Lying sacks of shit that like to pretend their ''superior genectics'' are what gets them big rather than giving credit to the hormones ::) these fruits always say you just need 500mg Test and 300mg Deca per week and if you dont get big then you dont have the genetics ::) stupid kunts

Sad thing is that I'd have believed these tossers if I hadn't read the bible. Oh, and I would have bought into that PCT shit. ::)

Lying wanks, the bunch of 'em.

Schmoe Buster

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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2011, 07:25:22 AM »
Sad thing is that I'd have believed these tossers if I hadn't read the bible. Oh, and I would have bought into that PCT shit. ::)

Lying wanks, the bunch of 'em.

Same here, thankfully after reading gh15 bible and actually following it i can just laugh at the dantas and dustys, bunch of losers ::)
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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2011, 10:09:20 AM »
just like his teacher Danta..Rasta is a liar.


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2011, 10:19:30 AM »
If you use the proper calculations to translate what pros like Dusty say, I believe them.

Doses, multiply those by 3-6... it depends on how "modest" they're being.

Time off, divide that by 3.

Time on, multiple that by 3.

When they say they don't use a particular drug like GH, T3 or Insulin it just means they don't mega dose it, but they do use it.


So yes, I can believe what Dusty's saying. Just make sure to triple the doses he talks about, divide the "time off" he talks about and don't listen to the part where he talks about putting on muscle naturally because he really means they're just on bodybuilder-dose TRT (GENEROUS TRT including GH and all other anabolics). Their TRT is probably a bit less than a gram to "clean the receptors" and give their body a break. I believe him!


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2011, 10:31:31 AM »
   I wouldn't be suprised if Dusty is the biggest abuser of them all, dude is a fucken liar. The way he lies to those kids on intensemuscle makes me sick to my stomach. Oh yes  I was one of them, asked for his advice many times over the years and guess what, it never worked :o Of course it's my fault I have shitty genes I mean I was 16 years old and natural but since I wasnt  190lbs and lean .. I obviously "didnt have it". After all, we cant all be like  the mighty  Dusty walking around 312lbs at 5'10 in the offseason on 750mg test, 300mg deca, without ever laying a hand on insulin,  aint that right DAntA?  ;D     And Dont start with that flinstones 20 year old who cant aspirate garbage I still dont aspirate and never will, you paranoid pussy .  no hate, brother ;)  u  could probably buy another house thanks to all the money I spent on your  worthless garbage supplements :-*



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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2011, 10:37:15 AM »
If you use the proper calculations to translate what pros like Dusty say, I believe them.

Doses, multiply those by 3-6... it depends on how "modest" they're being.

Time off, divide that by 3.

Time on, multiple that by 3.

When they say they don't use a particular drug like GH, T3 or Insulin it just means they don't mega dose it, but they do use it.


So yes, I can believe what Dusty's saying. Just make sure to triple the doses he talks about, divide the "time off" he talks about and don't listen to the part where he talks about putting on muscle naturally because he really means they're just on bodybuilder-dose TRT (GENEROUS TRT including GH and all other anabolics). Their TRT is probably a bit less than a gram to "clean the receptors" and give their body a break. I believe him!

nice. gh15 will love this :D


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2011, 10:46:39 AM »

actually a girl i dated did answer me honestly once. she said " i don't know 50 or so"?  :o

you should have slapped her. Did you continue after that? disgusting lol.

Nasty Nate

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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2011, 10:49:20 AM »
"you're the first guy i've done this with" 


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2011, 10:50:00 AM »
Am I the only one who believes that you can continue to grow while being clean for the better part of the year?

Yes I would imagine that you are if you yourself really believe it.

I know for a fact that I could take a guy with good genes to over 300 lbs while only being on for half of the year or less and never having him take more than 800-1000mg of test per week while on and a combined total of all anabolics never going above 1500mg per. I also know that I could get this guy to these marks without EVER letting him run GH, Insulin, or IGF-1. Now, during his off time I would have him cycle down with HCG, Clomid, and an anti e if needed. He would run 200mg of Dr Prescribed test for about a month before taking him down to no super supplements. Yes, the HCG would still play a roll while off.

He never mentions at what level of body fat Mr 300 pounds would be at. My guess is about 30% and no I'm not exaggerating. Clomid, HCG and anti E's are all BS in playing a part in any way at keeping muscle mass, include the 200mgs of test in there also.

Now that he is completely off he would drop some weight (10-15lbs if he was eating clean enough while on) and then stabilize. At this point he would rely completely on nutrition, training, and rest to start taking his muscle mass back up the ladder. As he would continue to train naturally he would begin to gain that 10-15lbs back but this time it would be more solid tissue and less water.

So this part makes ZERO sense. So he is going to increase this man's muscle mass with steroids and while he's off he will lose 15 pounds then will gain it back naturally BUT WAIT FOR IT, this regained mass will be solid mass with no water unlike the bloofy fake muscle that steroids build?????? WTF???? maybe GH15's fake muscle posts really are true.

Bottom line this is how I know I could get a guy to over 300 lbs with a good physique and lots of tricks still in the bag to keep that physique getting better. My guy would be following a very similiar plan and would shock some people once he did bring in a little higher doses, GH, and slin."

and he finishes his post with "I have lots of tricks left in the bag" So steroids don't build muscle but "tricks" do???? I got no beef with Dusty, but this while post is just ludicrous.

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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2011, 11:13:06 AM »

actually a girl i dated did answer me honestly once. she said " i don't know 50 or so"?  :o
I was taking a chick home from the bar, I knew her decently well. On the cab ride home she said her number was 23ish. I didn't bang her that night haha, I literaly had no desire to touch her. I woke up in the morning and she was sleeping naked on top of the covers, I was just disgusted lol.


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2011, 11:43:45 AM »
Asking a bber what drugs he's on and expecting an honest answer is like asking a girl how many guys she's fucked. Always 5........or 500mg.  :D



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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2011, 11:46:50 AM »
Dusty is actually very smart when it comes to training and undersanding the business.

When I worked for Iforce, he helped create alot of their formuals and was very bright


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2011, 11:52:16 AM »


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2011, 11:52:41 AM »
Dusty is actually very smart when it comes to training and undersanding the business.

When I worked for Iforce, he helped create alot of their formuals and was very bright

Like I said nothing against him, but why does he post stuff that isn't true? You are not going to create a 300 pound BBer with 1000mgs of test. Test is a shit drug anyway.


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2011, 12:04:15 PM »
I didn't read that but read it previously. I'm sure he's talking about how he's growing when OFF.
That part to me is complete bullshit. There is no growing off gear, especially when at that level.
The BEST case scenario is holding on to a good part for a few weeks while blasting GH and HCG during the "off" time,
which is hardly off really.

I remember arguing about this with b-boy and Dusty. Don't know if b-boy would still say he's gaining when off.
And even if putting some weight back after crashing it's not really gaining per se... to me gaining is whne you're going past
previous levels. All the rest is maintenance and regaining of a small portion of previously held muscle.


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2011, 12:45:59 PM »
Dusty is actually very smart when it comes to training and undersanding the business.

When I worked for Iforce, he helped create alot of their formuals and was very bright

your right, he is very smart,which is why disgusted just asked the milliondollar question. Why would a smart guy like Dusty post stuff like that? Not like he believes it anyways.  He may be a "good guy" when you worked with him, but he is a douchebag for doing that plain and simple.


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2011, 12:51:11 PM »
I didn't read that but read it previously. I'm sure he's talking about how he's growing when OFF.
That part to me is complete bullshit. There is no growing off gear, especially when at that level.
The BEST case scenario is holding on to a good part for a few weeks while blasting GH and HCG during the "off" time,
which is hardly off really.

I remember arguing about this with b-boy and Dusty. Don't know if b-boy would still say he's gaining when off.
And even if putting some weight back after crashing it's not really gaining per se... to me gaining is whne you're going past
previous levels. All the rest is maintenance and regaining of a small portion of previously held muscle.

I remember that. Dante made a huge argument claiming you could gain gobs of muscle mass in the offseason without anabolics, as long as you had healthy endo test levels.


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Re: What do you think of Dusty Hanshaw's method of using gear?
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2011, 01:07:41 PM »
I remember that. Dante made a huge argument claiming you could gain gobs of muscle mass in the offseason without anabolics, as long as you had healthy endo test levels.

It just doesn't make sense. I couldn't wrap my head around what Dusty was claiming and it looked like he didn't understand where I was coming from either. I tried to get him to clarify and it didn't go anywhere.

Phil Hernon said something good on promuscle on this topic.

Quote from: Phil Hernon

And then not just maintaining but keep gaining muscle on top of what you achieved on steroids? WTF?